Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Forged Steel Spiral Earrings

I found some scrap steel in the 'stable' here that's the perfect size for earrings! So the sprial is forged, recycled steel, the beads are recycled coke bottles(made in Africa), and the earwires are sterling silver. The spirals are about an inch in diameter, with the total length about 2". $28.00.


Anonymous said...

I purchased these earrings on a recent vacation - I love them! They are a touch heavier than I would like, but I still love them.

sarahzona said...

Thanks! You must have been in Jerome-I hope you had a great time. I LOVE it in AZ.
Glad you're liking the earrings. I've been wearing mine quite a bit lately. They are a hair on the heavy side, but considering they are steel, not too bad. I always dab some neosporin on the wires before I put them in. That seems to eliminate any irritation.
Thanks again!!
